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Know students and how they learn

The best teachers teach from the heart not from the book. 

1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students

1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

1.2 Understand how students learn

1.3 Students with diverse, linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconimic backgrounds

1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disablity

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities






Within my Year 7 Mathematics class there was a wide vareity of students with diverse requirements. For particular students within my class I accommodated to their lingustic needs by providing activies and used language that would help them to understand the basic mathematical concepts. I also did a lot of work with Tu Chan Van who assisted and supported students with language barriers and difficulties with the mathetmatics requirements. 

In order to assist my students with their different learning abilities as holiday homework, I created Fractions booklets. The purpose of these booklets was to introduce the students to the topic, assess prior learning and also procie the students with an opportunity to work on the upcoming topic throughout the holidays. As in every class my Mathematics class had a diverse range of learning abilities. The booklets were created and aimed at students of low, medium and high abilities. The booklets were individualised to suit each students learning needs and abilities.The booklets started with the basics and progressed to harder tasks. 

Year 10 Recovery Mathematics Garden Bed 
The image on the right is from the garden bed created in my year 10 recovery class. The class worked together as a whole to create a unit, which allowed them to take responsiblity for their own learning. 

Ensuring that students from all backgrounds and cultures were catered for, the students were given a task to investigate the foods that they consume within their homes. This activity gave the class an insight into the different types of foods that are consumed depending on your background and culture. 

The students were given an opportunity to chose to grow a food from their culture within our garden bed. The activity made each individual feel supported and that their backgrounds/cultures were embraced. 

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